
31 Jan 2023, 15:08
Announcement 🚨 Despite our best efforts to help Azbit understand their mistakes, Azbit claims that we are responsible for their poor handling of the migration. In June 2021, Azbit was notified along with all the other CEXs who successfully participated in the migration. We completed the airdrop to all the holders in Etherscan, and Azbit were airdropped and provided the same amount of V2 as V1 they were holding, to distribute to their clients. Azbit does not reveal how many holders they have nor the total amount of BlueSparrow tokens they have inside their exchange. We clearly don’t have access to Azbit’s exchange. Since we did not run a Market Maker account in Azbit, it was handled by Azbit alone, so they know the exact number of holders and tokens. It is their responsibility to keep an eye on the balance and ensure that they have enough in their hot and cold wallets before they sell any assets. Azbit has been collecting USDT on the BlueSparrow pair but since we sent them the V2 BlueSparrow tokens last June, you can't withdraw them in over 8 months. If Azbit doesn't allow you to withdraw your funds, there is nothing we can do and the onus is on them since they sold the tokens prior to the migration. As per company policy, all of our transactions are thoroughly documented and we have provided them as such and yet they failed to resolve or reply to the evidence provided to them. Clearly, they did not have enough tokens at the time we made the airdrop, therefore, they are unable to distribute the correct amount of the V2. They held only 40 tokens on the day of the airdrop, June 12th, 2021. ​​ We urge you to check the transactions yourself: