I would like to take this opportunity to let everybody know about my plans to help BlueSparrow Token on a personal level (not as

19 Oct 2022, 18:48
I would like to take this opportunity to let everybody know about my plans to help BlueSparrow Token on a personal level (not as a team member but as me, Tom, a person who loves the token, the community, the team and the whole ethos of BlueSparrow.) For the 1 year anniversary I will be bringing out a 10,000 NFT collection to help burn tokens. The NFT collection will be on the Ethereum network. There are 2 ways this will be possible and this is outlined below: 1. Via Opensea. Any purchases through opensea will need to be with Ethereum. This ethereum will be used for weekly buy and burns of BlueSparrow (opensea does not allow BLS as a payment option but who knows what the future holds if we all work hard.) 2. Via our very own NFT.BlueBit Site. This will allow purchase with BlueSparrow Tokens itself and is part of our ecosystem. The NFT's will be yours to own and will be starting at $15 per NFT to give everyone enough chance to buy the NFT's and also so that we can burn a large amount of tokens in the process. You will own them and can sell them whenever you wish. I have done all the artwork myself and it has taken a long time to complete these. There will be utility which will be outlined in the Projects Discord Server which I am creating. So that this is not too long I will wrap it up with a quick message that the aim is to bring attention to BLS as well to burn some more tokens. I will post more details in the coming days but I aim to bring this out on Saturday22nd/Sunday 23rd to allow everyone to pick up their desired NFT for the anniversary on 28th.